The Creative Partner Program

Intensive, individual and customized coaching support to bring your big, creative dream to life 

Dear Dreamer,

Starting June 1st, I’m going to be opening up additional space in my schedule to work with 2 individuals on an intensive, 1:1 basis via the MBMS Creative Partner Program.

This is a program for musicians and teachers who have a dream of doing something big and creative. And are ready to make it happen.

The premise of the program is simple:

I’ll partner with you to make massive progress towards bringing your big, creative dream to life.

I’ll bring my 20+ years of experience as a musician, coach, teacher and entrepreneur to the table. I won’t hold back anything; my entire toolset, body of knowledge and network will be at our disposal.

As your creative partner, I'll be your business mentor, life coach, performance coach, creative consultant and teacher mentor (if you teach) all at once.

A few examples of big, creative dreams you might pursue: starting a new business, overhauling an existing business, recording an album, writing a method book, writing a series of new songs, designing a new learning program/course, or designing, marketing and offering an original performing experience – where you're the star! Really whatever your brilliant mind can dream up, I'll be there to help bring it to life.

This is a high-touch program, customized to your needs. We will work together both online and in-person. The typical time period we'll partner is 6 months though it could be shorter or longer depending on the scope of your project.

This program is not for everyone; it will require a significant investment of time, money and energy. But here's what you'll get in return:

The dream in your mind will become a reality in the world.

And you’ll have someone in your life (me) that is deeply invested in your success – supporting you, inspiring you, challenging you, and cheering you on every step of the way. You’ll have a fierce ally, someone who will be devoted to bringing out the very best in you.

Here are some of the qualities I’m looking for:

  • Coachable - open to new ideas, approaches and willing to change
  • Ambitious - with a deep hunger to go after your big, creative dream
  • Ready - willing and able to make a significant investment in your self

If that describes you and you want begin to explore what’s possible, send me an email and we’ll find a time to have an initial chat.

In Music,
Peter Jacobson
Founder & Director
Mind Body Music School

PS – You can read more about my background and training here.