A Free Introductory Class for Violinists & Violists
You're Invited!
Monday, December 30th, 2024
11am-12pm Central
12pm-1pm Eastern
Enter your contact info below to register. Can't attend live? A class recording will be available for a limited time.
Learn new tools to free your body, feel more balanced and play with ease
Join MBMS Founder Peter Jacobson for a 1-hour introduction to the basic principles of Alexander Technique as applied to violin/viola playing and teaching.
Class Overview
- A practical exercise to warm up your whole body (in under 5 minutes)
- Whole body balance and support (and the danger of the 2 "P" words: posture and position)
- What to do with your feet, legs and pelvis when sitting and standing
- The Master Key – how head-spine poise can unlock total body freedom
- Breathing – how it serves as a barometer of freedom
- Body Mapping – learning the structure and function of the bones and joints of the arm (including the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers)
The class will be a combination of group activities and 1:1 work with volunteers.
Can’t attend live? A replay will be available for a limited time.
This class is being offered free due to the generous sponsorship of Arcofrog.
You're Invited!
Monday, December 30th, 2024 @Â 11am-12pm Central;Â 12pm-1pm Eastern
Enter your contact info below to register. Can't attend live? A class recording will be available for a limited time.